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Student cafeteria


   The student canteen of the Pedagogical College is a structural subdivision of the educational institution, designed for 120 seats, in which 360-400 people eat in one day. The work of the student canteen is aimed at the implementation of the Law of Ukraine No. 2249-VIII dated 19.12.2017 "On ensuring organizational and legal conditions for the social protection of children - orphans and children deprived of parental care"; Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 927/2010 dated September 30, 2010 "On measures to develop the system for identifying and supporting gifted and talented children and youth"; the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 467 dated 04/26/2013 "On the launch in 2013 of the Presidential program for the most talented children "Intellectual future of Ukraine""; Comprehensive program "Education of Odesa" for 2011-2014; implementation of the provisions of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the trade union committee for 2015-2020.

      The average cost of complex dinners is from UAH 15. 00 kopecks The head of the student dining hall prepares a menu for each day, which includes 2 first courses and 3-4 second courses for the personal choice of visitors. Canteen employees make confectionery and bakery products themselves.

   Provided nutrition for teachers and employees of the educational institution, college students, special attention is paid to the nutrition of the privileged category of students, orphan students are fed three times a day with complex lunches for free. Twice a semester, 100-120 students of the following categories receive coupons for free meals: disabled from childhood and disabled of groups 1-3, from low-income families, "Chernobyl" students, students with excellent grades, students with children under the age of three, candidates for the national team of the school with of various sports, active participants in artistic amateur activities.

   On holidays: Student Self-Government Day, Festival of Pedagogical Excellence, New Year, Health Day, Birthday of the educational institution, Student's Day, as well as during oblast and regional olympiads among universities of the I-II levels of accreditation of the Odesa region and the Southern region of Ukraine, scientific and practical conferences, cafeteria workers provide students with free meals.

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